Satanus, knowing my extremely brainwashed jw sister, I reckon after 25 years they never got passed the missionary position. LOL.
Stress Free
i had no idea what to expect! in the case of most jws.
since sex is strickly forbidden before marriage.
at the time (1970's) kissing was even frowned at too.
Satanus, knowing my extremely brainwashed jw sister, I reckon after 25 years they never got passed the missionary position. LOL.
Stress Free
i had no idea what to expect! in the case of most jws.
since sex is strickly forbidden before marriage.
at the time (1970's) kissing was even frowned at too.
I remember when my sister got married some 25 or so years ago, they didn't know how to have sex for the first two days. Seriously, they were not able to work out where his woody was meant to go. LOL.
My sister was a very strict witness (still is), however, on the third day they decided to go out and buy a book on sex. They were absolutely horrified at some of the topics and illustrations dealing with oral sex, masturbation, anal sex, etc. Anyway thanks to the book they eventually worked out how everything fits together, so to speak. Nevertheless, surprise, surprise, she never enjoyed it at the time.
It reminds me of a jw friend who got married. He was around 21 and his new wife was about 18 years old and from a strict witness family. On their wedding night she cried when he tried to have sex with her, she said it was disgusting when he tried to undress her. She stated that she didn't know that she had to do anything on their wedding night and thought that it was only for procreation. To cut a long story short, they stayed together for around six months, in that time he never once got to have sex with her. My god wasn't he a frustrated guy, he signed the marriage contract and still couldn't get any sex!! She ended up living back with her parents and then he eventually divorced her some years later. How Sad.
This really highlights how naive the majority of jdubs are when they marry young. Your whole life you are told how sex is dirty unless you are married. Then all of a sudden you say your marriage vows and you go from having a few kisses (if you where strictly chaperoned) to full on sex, nothing in between. No wonder why so many jw couples are incompatible in the bedroom department.
warning: the wtbts is becoming more cultish as evidenced in this mp3.
listener take heed.
turn on all your cult warning alarms on.. .
What an obsolute freak!!
So Matt 24:14 has been fulfilled yet again! Pity he didn't/couldn't explain who the King of the North is. LOL.
(What-A-Coincidence, thanks for this excellent post).
well looks like the governing body is getting 2007 off to a great start.
here is a little audio clip that somebody pointed out to me: .
click here to watch 'jw-governing-body---time-of-the-end'.
(Since the Governing Body said it, it must be true! Glad to hear that 'they do not say this often', yeah right.)
All I can say is that they are sick bastards whom continue to play with the minds of the average J dub. As someone said it sounds like the lead up to 1975 all over again. They well know that many are starting to have doubts, so what better way to remove these doubts? Make comments like this one direct from the self appointed leaders to scare the crap out of the followers. It imputs into the mind of those who have doubts, "what if they are right and I leave the "truth" and armageddon comes, Jehooba will then punish me with death". It's all very, very sad that in this day and age, people as we all did once, continue to swallow this kind of garbage, hook, line and sinker!
this started in another thread actually and i decided to put one up.
hopefully you don't bury the thread before those that were interested get to see the trends.
voting is totally anonymous and it is hosted totally anonymously.
My vote is in.
Yep looks like people in their 40's are very popular here.
i have noticed that, in general, there is a "core" of regular posters on jwd that have been members for several years.. however, it seems the vast majority of "newbies" disappear after a couple posts, days or perhaps a week.
how many "welcome" or "introduction" .
threads have we had here where the new member disappears within a day or so, never to post again?
Maybe because they are spiritually week and in the need of a shepherding call!
Any ex elders out there like to volunteer?
Stress Free
i was looking up a couple of verses the other day in my nwt reference bible the one with larger print, footnotes, cross references, etc.
in my day i was quite a diligent student - the bible is filled with my notes and comments, and i'd already worn out another one earlier.
one of the things that i found surprising as i was reading my notes, was how often they were pointing out inconsistencies, contradictions and obvious lies in the biblical text.
Yes Seeker4 i'm with you on this. When I was an elder there were many times when I just couldn't understand there explanation of particular scriptures. The harder I tried to understand it from there viewpoint the more I got doubts, not only about the wts but the bible as well. As other posters before me have mentioned, I also had problems with the old testament. All those ghastly details of violence and war that was supposedly committed in the name of god, and jehoova would bless them, just didn't make sense to me. I started thinking of him as a violent god.
Then along came the new testament and all of a sudden he is this all loving god, turn the other cheek kind of thing. I started thinking, hell he must have Schizophrenia. All this prompted me to I start studying ancient history and the early history of the bible without any wts literature. Then it all started to make sense, I have been wasting my life following a book compiled and written by men whom at the end of the day only wanted to control peoples lives.
So did reading the bible help me leave "the Troof" and Christianity forever? Obsolutley!
Stress Free
heard a story on the radio (triplej) about a religion in australia called the exclusive brethren.
when the story was being introduced i thought they were talking about jw's, but then it all sounded much worse:.
There is large population of them in the area where I live in. Over the years I have done business with a lot of them, they are very much into working for themselves as opposed to working for non Brethren employers.
Geez I thought we had it hard been jdubs, it is nothing compared to what a Exclusive Brethren must do or not do. I did some research on their beliefs some time ago and also spoke to a couple of ex Brethren, here is some examples of their rules.
The women are forbidden to ever cut or colour their hair, they are not allowed to wear any form of makeup, are not permitted to wear shorts or trousers and dresses must be worn below the knee.. They are forbidden to wear swimmers, therefore they never go swimming. The men must be clean shaven, no beards allowed (sounds familiar), men are never allowed to wear shorts or show their legs in public.
Other items they are banned from using are, faxes, computers, mobile phones, radio, television (not even educational documentry's), videos, dvds. They will not share a meal with non Brethren, will not vote, do not celebrate Christmas, Easter or birthdays. Children will not play in sport outside school. In our area they attend meetings every single week night, two on Saturday and three on Sunday that's ten meetings a week!!
There belief is that all loyal Brethren will have a special favoured position in heaven by christ's side.They teach that other christians may also go to heaven but will reside in a lower level under their control. When it comes to being self righteous, believe me not even the jdubs come close to this mob. What I have never been able to understand is that while they will go and stand on the street corner and preach out loud their message you can never join this mob you must be born into it, such love they show. This probably explains why they have a such a high number of children with mental and physical deformities as they have been inbreeding for such a long time.
So would I describe them as a cult, you bet I do. In fact I believe they are even worse then the jdubs in not allowing their children to have any freedom of thought at all. I really feel pity for the kids. They have more man made rules then the jdubs and frankly most of the rules are insane and you could never prove them from the bible.
Unfortunately third generation.
this is just unreal.......i cannot believe they have the nerve to actually put this stuff into print, but here's the proof that there's no limit to their insanity-----or their hypocrisy:
page 26: "..a preoccupation with the future...prevents us from seeing the present as it is" noted one american philospher.......even jehovah's worshippers are not immune tot his pattern of thinking.
(gee, i can't imagine why) what if we become so preoccupied with future physical blessings that we are blind to our present-day spiritual blessings?........we could easily become discouraged and feel 'sick at heart because our expectations have been post-poned beyond what we imagined (or, what we were promised)........we could develop a complaining attitude.
Like you I feel so sorry for the older jdubs. Many I know have given there entire life to the society, I would like nothing more if given the opportunity then to teach my parents and other older witnesses I know, the real truth about the troof. However, this would have a devastating effect on them to the point where some would probably give up on living. Thank god I woke up early enough so at least my family and I can live a normal life away from this thought controlling cult.